Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 25

Sunday morning we had church on a hill behind our subcamp. I'm lucky the LDS meeting site is so close. There were about 500 staff members in attendance. We had a regular Sacrament Meeting even with an organ. Jennifer Lowe, the new Venturing President, spoke first. What a great example to have a beautiful LDS young woman as the National President. She was followed by Bro. Call. He was one of the Alaska scout leaders that was injured in the electrocution accident that killed four leaders at the 2005 Jamboree. He gave an amazing talk about his experience. He returned this year as a Chaplain for the Western Region. Elder Larry Gibson, 1st counselor in the YM General Presidency, also gave a wonderful talk. He shared his appreciation from the YM General Presidency and the First Presidency for our willingness to serve the Boy Scout Program. He also asked us to express to our spouse appreciation from them for supporting us as we serve at the Jamboree. I have a wonderful husband who has willing let me go to day camp, scout camp, the Jamboree and many other scouting adventures. He also has served in the scouting organization for many years. Thank you Chris - I Love You.
He also told us about the George Albert Smith Award that could be earned by youth or adults at the Jamboree.

Here's a look at the inside of my tent. I figured out if I spray insect repellent around the legs of my cot and around my other things then the insect creatures leave me alone.

Yes, It was 110 in our tent. When we closed the flaps in preparation for a storm, it quickly rose to 125.

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