Friday, July 30, 2010

July 27

Finally, an official day off. I slept in until 7:30, took a COLD shower and then headed out to explore other areas of the Jamboree. I visited all the national, international and religious booths. I was able to earn the "George Albert Smith Scouting Award". What an honor to wear a medalion honoring this great scouter. Merit Badge Midway has over 100 boths al dedicated to the instruction and earning of MBs. WOW! There are some fun things to learn about. I experienced my first east coast rain storm. It dumps pretty fast. Luckily I was in the trading post tent at the time. Later that evening I met Tyler. I introduced him to some of my new friends and he was lucky to meet Elder Dahlquist and Elder Gibson. That was a big highlight in his day.
Tyler was able to explore the OA "Mysterium Compass" show, Brownsea Island and several other fun activities. Great Day :)

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