Friday, July 30, 2010

July 29

Day off #2. After bandaging my sore feet with moleskin, Tyler and I were off to the Hometown News tent to get him registered. The representatives forWorld Jamboree 2011 were giving a news conference. They were from Sweden and talked about the scouting program in their country. We moved on to Merit Badge Midway and Tyler earned the Railroading MB. A huge storm hit while we were there (luckily we were under a tent). Several other storms brought lots of rain throughout the day. Its nice to have the dust settled, but there's lots of puddles and soggy ground.

Tyler also earned the Geneology MB and then met these missionaries.

~ Melanie

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing a great job. Your blog is a very good read. (It makes me glad I'm not out in the heat, though. But I know it'd be worth it.) Say hi to Tyler.
